1 When sin-sick and weary how often
I prest with the throng on the street,
Or journeyed alone in the desert
No lamp lit the path for my feet.
God's word is a lamp to our feet,
Tho' winding the paths we may roam;
But if we will follow the light,
It shineth to guide us safe home.
2 For freedom from sin I was sighing,
When, lo! I behold a retreat;
A refuge in Christ, my Redeemer,
Whose word is a lamp to our feet. [Refrain]
3 The world and its evil forsaking,
I hastened this Savior to meet;
When lovingly did He receive me,
And shed His own light for my feet. [Refrain]
4 In Him I am now fully trusting,
And toil in His vineyard is sweet;
He keeps me when evil surrounds me,
His word is a lamp to my feet. [Refrain]
5 When life, with its trials is over,
And vict'ry o'er sin is complete,
I'll praise my Redeemer forever,
Whose word was a lamp to my feet. [Refrain]
Source: Singing by the Way (Rev. ed.) #44