1. When Pharaoh dared to vex the saints,
And thus provoked their God,
Moses was sent at their complaints,
Armed with his dreadful rod.
He called for darkness; darkness came
Like an o’erwhelming flood;
He turned each lake and every stream
To lakes and streams of blood.
2. He gave the sign, and noisome flies
Through the whole country spread;
And frogs in croaking armies rise
About the monarch’s bed.
Through fields, and towns, and palaces,
The tenfold vengeance flew;
Locusts in swarms devoured their trees,
And hail their cattle slew.
3. Then by an angel’s midnight stroke
The flower of Egypt died;
The strength of every house was broke,
Their glory and their pride.
Now let the world forbear its rage,
Nor put the church in fear;
Israel must live through every age,
And be th’Almighty’s care.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #7380