Display Title: Eye Has Not Seen (Ni Ojo Ni Oído) First Line: When pain and sorrow weigh us down (A los cargados por dolor) Tune Title: [When pain and sorrow weigh us down] Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950; Ronald F. Krisman, b. 1946 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 Date: 2013 Subject: Comfort | ; Confianza | ; Consuelo | ; Esperanza | ; Faith | ; Fe | ; Hope | ; Life | ; Perseverance | ; Perseverancia | ; Pobreza | ; Poverty | ; Rites of the Church | Funeral; Rites of the Church | Pastoral Care of the Sick; Ritos de la Iglesia | Cuidado Pastarol de los Enfermos; Ritos de la Iglesia | Exequias; Sabiduría | ; Suffering | ; Sufrimiento | ; Testigo | ; Trust | ; Vida | ; Wisdom | ; Witness |
Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #595