1 When once a sinner vile,
And wand’ring far from God,
I heard a warning voice from the Heaven say:
“Why will ye live in sin,
And disobey my Word,
And proudly travel on in Satan’s way?”
O I remember well
The pleading of my Lord,
And how my sins like mountains did appear;
But Jesus heard my cry,
And washed me in His blood,
And gave to me His witness bright and clear.
O sinner, won’t you come
And make a start tonight,
Let Jesus have a chance to save your soul?
He’ll wash away your sins
And robe you all in white,
And in the book of life your name enroll.
2 Since Jesus saved my soul,
I’m happy all the time,
The clouds of sin and grief have rolled away;
My heart is filled with joy,
And oh, it is sublime,
I feel to sing, and dance, and shout and pray.
O glory be to God!
My soul is all aflame,
The fire is falling on me from above;
Salvation, full and free,
Is mine since Jesus came,
And now I feel the raptures of His love. [Refrain]
3 And now I have a home,
Beyond the starry sky,—
The home that Jesus promised to prepare;
And in that happy land,
The people never die,
And sin and sorrow never enter there.
The gates are made of pearl,
The streets are paved with gold,
And all the saints are robed in spotless white;
O I shall soon be there,
And Jesus’ face behold,
And dwell with Him where all is pure and bright. [Refrain]
4 When Jesus went away
Our mansions to prepare,
He bade us wait and watch for His return;
So let us faithful be,
And never doubt nor fear,
But let the holy fire blaze and burn.
We have the promise true:
“His coming draweth nigh,”
The angel soon will sound the jubilee;
We then shall all be changed
“In the twinkling of an eye,”
And evermore with Jesus shall we be. [Refrain]
Source: The Joy Bells of Canaan or Burning Bush Songs No. 2 #114