O Maiden Mother, Tender and mild,
Oh! take me for thy child;
And thro' life's journey,
Oh! let it be
My joy to think of thee,
My joy to think of thee.
1 When my eyes are closed in sleep,
Thro' the night my slumbers keep;
Make my latest tho't to be,
How to love thy Son and thee.
O Maiden Mother, Tender and mild,
Oh! take me for thy child;
And thro life's journey,
Oh! let it be
My joy to think of thee,
My joy to think of thee.
2 Touch me when the sunbeam bright
Calls me with its golden light,
How my waking tho'ts may be
Turned to Jesus and to thee.
O Maiden Mother, Tender and mild,
Oh! take me for thy child;
And thro life's journey,
Oh! let it be
My joy to think of thee,
My joy to think of thee.
3 And oh, teach me through the day
Oft to raise my heart and say,
"Maiden Mother, meek and mild,
Guard, oh, guard thy humble child!"
O Maiden Mother, etc.
4 Thus, sweet Mother, day and night
Thou shalt guide my steps aright;
And my dying words shall be,
"Virgin Mother, pray for me?"
O Maiden Mother, etc.
Source: Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year #134b