When Jesus was a refugee
from Herod’s cruel tyranny,
an exile in a foreign place,
a child in need of saving grace,
we wonder who it was God led
to shelter him and give him bread.
We wonder too, had we been there,
would we have been as quick to share?
When Jesus left his parents’ home,
without a place to call his own,
he walked with strangers on the street
and lived with those he chanced to meet--
a fisherman in Galilee,
and newfound friends in Bethany.
Would we have welcomed him that way,
and given him a place to stay?
When Jesus died upon a cross
alone, with few to mourn his loss,
a friend came forth to offer room
for him within a garden tomb.
They gently took his body there,
anointing him with tender care.
Would we have heeded God’s request
and helped to lay our Lord to rest?
Now risen, Christ still makes his home
with everyone who walks alone,
and, with the people on the street,
still waits in line for bread to eat.
The time is now. We must decide.
Will we pass by the other side,
or will we follow Love’s command
and reach out with a helping hand?
Source: The Song Lingers On: new hymns for our journey of faith #9