1 When I walk thro’ the valley of shadow and gloom,
When my soul is depressed, and to doubting gives room,
Still a promise I have that my path doth illume,—
My Savior is praying for me!
My Savior is praying for me!
My Savior is praying for me!
I will doubt not, nor fear, this my infinite cheer:
My Savior is praying for me!
2 Tho’ temptations are many, tho’ enemies rail,
Tho’ my sins rise in judgment and courage would fail,
An assurance I have that o’er all I’ll prevail,—
My Savior is praying for me! [Refrain]
3 I am sure that my Savior knows well all my needs,
That he urges my claims, my necessity pleads;
Shall the Father not hear when his Son intercedes?—
My Savior is praying for me! [Refrain]
4 Then rejoicing I’ll go, tho’ the way may seem long,
With my heart filled with love and my lips thrilled with song;
Tho’ all else may forsake me, in this I am strong,—
My Savior is praying for me! [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Revival Power #8