1 When I rise at dawn, then I love to sing
Of our blessed Saviour, our Priest and King.
'Tis a tribute meet for the opening day,
To return Him thanks who hath led our way.
Oh, I love to sing,
Yes, I love to sing,
Of our Saviour's work and our Saviour's love.
2 When the noontide ray gilds the mountain height,
Then I love to sing of the world so bright,
And His wondrous love who hath made so fair
All the earth, that we may His glory share. [Refrain]
3 And at night when stars keep a watch above,
Then I love to sing of His precious love.
Yes, at morn, at noon, 'neath the moon's soft rays,
Oh! I love always to resound His praise! [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life: a collection of new hymns and tunes for sunday schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings and revival meetings #55