1 When heaven swung open its portals wide,
A Saviour came forth to be crucified;
For sinners he lived and for sinners died:
‘Twas Jesus the Saviour, mighty to save.
Rejoice! rejoice! let glad hearts sing!
Let hallelujah anthems ring!
The Christ is come! The Christ is come!
Rejoice! rejoice! And crown him King!
2 When sorrow and sin, and death’s night were near,
A Saviour was found who could dry ev’ry tear,
He pardon’d all sin and removed all fear:
‘Twas Jesus the Saviour, mighty to save. [Refrain]
3 When God in his infinite love did save
A world lost in sin, it was Jesus who gave
Himself as Redeemer, and mock’d the grave:
‘Twas Jesus the Saviour, mighty to save. [Refrain]
Source: The Tabernacle Hymns #93