1 When God--neglected or denied--
From ancient tribes withdrew his grace,
How soon the erring myriads strove
With phantom forms to fill his place!
2 On every hill, by every stream,
All homes within, all waysides near,
The hallowed idols senseless stood--
The helpless suppliants bowed with fear.
3 With gods for every foot of land,
And every pause of passing time,
In life no soothing peace they found,
In death no heavenly hope sublime.
4 O Thou, the true and living God!
Maker of all above--below,
Eternal--self-existent One!
How blest are we thy name to know!
5 One God--enlightened faith adores;
One God--harmonious nature cries;
One God--our common Sire and Lord,
The brotherhood of mind replies.
6 To thee--Supreme!--to thee alone,
Be hymns of highest glory sung;
The source of joy to every hear,
The theme of praise to every tongue.
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #31