1 When first I knew, my Lord, my God,
'Twas in his deep Humility,
His Garments roll'd in his own Blood;
With Eye of Love he look'd on me.
2 Lo! then my fainting Heart reviv'd,
When I behold the Saviour smile;
'Twas then in Jesus I believ'd,
And felt the Glory of his Toil.
3 I nothing had, when my dear Lamb
Did shew me all my sins forgiv'n;
I nothing had but Filth and Shame,
When first I saw my Name in Heav'n.
4 Love, bleeding Love, first found out me,
And led me by a Way unsought;
Love drew me to the bloody Tree,
And pointed out my Pardon bought;
5 Bought with the Saviour's Pains and Blood:
Amazing Love! what Tongue can tell
The Glory which I saw in God,
When at this Foot-stool first I fell?
6 Nor Angels may declare the Bliss
My Soul receiv'd, when first I found,
In Christ, my Strength, and Righteousness,
Exhibited thro' ev'ry Wound.
7 His Promise is, He will remain
My dear, my everlasting Friend;
He seal'd me this by unknown Pain;
Loves, and will love me to the End.
8 Then praise, my Soul, thy bleeding King,
Who gives thee all his Heart to prove;
His matchless Grace for-ever sing,
The Wonders of redeeming Love.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #II.XI