1 When first I heard of Jesus
I read the story through,
I found that I was wanting
The one thing needful too.
The needful blest Salvation,
The one thing needful too,
The needful blest Salvation,
It is for me and you.
2 Like many more neglectful,
Misfortunes I’ve past through,
I knew that God would give me,
The one thing needful too. [Refrain]
3 Awakened by His spirit,
The blessed life pursue;
I heard the Saviour whisper,
The one thing needful too. [Refrain]
4 I turned and sought forgiveness
So earnestly and true,
The thing that I was wanting,
Indeed was needful too. [Refrain]
5 The fetters now are broken,
The work is through and through,
Salvation is for sinners,
The one thing needful too. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #78