1 When doubt and fear assail me,
And bend my spirit low,
I know there is a Saviour,
To whom I e’er can go;
He’s promised to be with me,
No matter what betide;
Till some day when he’ll call me
To sit down at his side.
I’ll wait, I’ll wait,
I’ll wait for the coming of the King,
And then I’ll go to where the harps of angels ring;
Around the throne in songs of praise I’ll ever sing,
Hallelujah evermore,
Praise the mighty King!
2 When I am sorely tempted,
And know not where to flee,
My Jesus walks beside me,
And ev’ry step I see;
I see him now, not plainly,
Although I feel his might,
But some day I shall see him,
When faith is lost in sight. [Refrain]
3 No matter what befall me,
My faith in him I’ll hold,
My share in his atonement
There’s nothing can withhold;
No wonder that I’m happy,
While here I wait and sing,
For some day I’ll behold him,
My ever-living King. [Refrain]
Source: Songs for All #52