1 When did ever words so tender
Fall on mortal ears before,
As the blessed words of Jesus,—
“Go thy way, and sin nor more.”
Pardoned! oh, that word of rapture!
As I knelt at Mercy’s door,
Burdened with my sin and sorrow,—
“Go thy way, and sin no more.”
2 Jesus spake, and then the power
Of his great salvation came;
All the bonds of sin were broken:
Glory! glory! to his name.
“Rise, forgiven, O child of sorrow;
Rise, for lo! thy light hath come;
Put thy beauteous garments on thee;
Take thy staff, and journey home.”
3 “I will know the way thou takest
Till thou stand on Canaan’s shore;
Never, never will I leave thee;
Go thy way, and sin no more.”
“From the world I will not take thee
Till the battle strife is o’er;
From its evil I will keep thee;
Go thy way, and sin no more.”
4 O the fight! I’ve learned to love it,
For the victory is mine;
In the cross of Christ I glory,
Triumphing in love divine.
O the dawn of heaven’s glory!
O the day that has no night!
O the sun that finds no zenith!
O the host in raiment bright!
5 Oh, the King who dwells among them
In his beauty I shall see;
Heav’n shall ring with loud hosannas
Unto him who died for me.
But, ‘mid all the joys of heaven,
I will ne’er forget the hour
When my Saviour said “Forgiven!
Go thy way, and sin no more.”
Source: The Ark of Praise #39