1 When, dearest Lord, when shall it be
That I shall find my all in Thee,
The fullness of Thy promise prove,
The seal of Thine eternal love?
2 A poor, blind child I wander here,
If haply I may feel Thee near:
O dark, dark, dark, I still must say,
Amid the blaze of Gospel day.
3 Thee, only Thee, I fain would I find,
I cast the world and flesh behind;
Thou, only Thou, to me be given,
And all Thou hast in earth or Heaven.
4 All earthly comforts I disdain,
They shall not rob me of my pain,
Or make me senseless of my load,
Or less disconsolate for God.
5 Rather, let all the creatures take
Their miserable comforts back,
With every vain relief depart,
And leave me to my broken heart.
6 Leave me, my friends, the mourner leave,
For God, and not for you I grieve;
My weakness, O ye strong, despise,
My foolish ignorance, ye wise.
7 Let all my Father’s children be
Still angry, still displeased with me,
Disclaim, dishonor, and disown:
I would be poor, forlorn, alone.
8 A child, a fool, a thing of naught,
Abhorred, neglected, and forgot,
Contemned, abandoned, and distressed
Till I from mortal man have cease.
9 When from the arm of flesh set free,
Jesu, my soul shall fly to Thee:
Jesu, when I have lost my all,
My soul shall on Thy bosom fall.
10 When man forsakes, Thou wilt not leave,
Ready the outcasts to receive,
Thou all my simpleness I own,
And all my faults to Thee are known.
11 Ah! wherefore did I ever doubt?
Thou wilt in no wise cast me out,
A helpless soul that comes to Thee,
With only sin and misery.
12 Lord, I am sick; My sickness cure;
I want; Do Thou enrich the poor:
Under Thy mighty hand I stoop,
O lift the abject sinner up!
13 Lord, I am blind; be Thou my sight;
Lord, I am weak; be Thou my might;
A helper of the helpless be,
And let me find my all in Thee!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13154