1 When Christ was on the mount reveal'd
In his Disciples view,
Their hearts with dread and fear was fill'd,
With joy, and wonder too.
2 Their feeble eyes could scarce behold
The brightness of his face;
The Sun with all his glory could,
Dart no such glorious rays.
3 To prove that Jesus was the Lord,
Elias did appear;
And Moses bore the same record,
Whilst both convers'd him there.
4 A gracious voice from heaven came:
This is mine only son!
Give praise and honour to his name,
And make his glories known.
5 Should we not wish with him to dwell?
And view him ever more;
Like the Disciples, hear and feel
His glory, love and pow'r.
6 Can such a sight of Christ below
Transport our souls with love?
Far greater joys will He bestow,
In the bright world above.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #XLIII