I. When Christ hung on the cursed Tree,
A bloody Sacrfice for Thee,
Bereft of Consolation,
His Seven last words, of all, deserve
Thy deepest Meditation.
II. The First bespeaks the Depth of Love;
In which he pray'd to God above
For his imbitter'd Nation.
Father, forgive our Ignorance
At thy Son's Intercession.
III. The Second was the great Relief
He promis'd the repenting Thief,
Firmly asseverated.
Lord bring us to thy Paradise,
When we are hence translated.
IV, The Third, the Care he well apply'd,
For his blest Mother to provide
By him whom he best loved.
Provide, O God, for Those we leave,
When we are hence removed.
V. The Fourth was, when he cried: I thirst!
Alas! for whom, but for the Curst,
And all Mankind's Redemption?
Lord, true Repentance grant, that we
May answer thy Intention.
VI. The Fifth the Lord in Anguish spoke:
Why hast thou, God, my soul forsook,
While ev'ry Terror presses?
Lord, grant our Souls from thy Distress
May fetch all-healing Graces.
VII. 'Tis finish'd: was the following word,
By which our great and dying Lord
Retriev'd our lost Salvation.
Ye mourning Winners, all rejoice
To hear this Declaration.
VIII. The Sev'nth was: Father to thy Hand
My Soul and Spirit I commend:
This be my last Expression.
Lord Jesu! when thou call'st me hence,
Take me to thy Possession.
IX. Whoever pays a deep Regard
To these Expressions of our Lord,
And mourns their sad Occasion,
Will lay, for everlasting Life,
A strong and sure Foundation.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #32