1 When, by the tempter's wiles betray'd,
Adam our head and parent fell;
Unknown before, a pleasure spread
Thro' all the mazy deeps of hell.
2 Infernal powers rejoic'd to see
The new-made world destroy'd, undone;
But God proclaims his great decree,
Pardon and mercy thro' his Son.
3 Serpent, accurs'd, thy sentence read,
Almighty vengeance thou shalt feel;
The woman's seed shall crush thy head,
Thy malice faintly bruise his heel.
4 Thus God declares, and Christ descends,
Assumes a mortal form, and dies;
Whilst in his death, death's empire ends,
And the proud conqueror conquer'd lies.
5 Dying, the King of glory deals
Ruin to all his numerous foes:
His power the daring tempter feels,
And sinks oppress'd beneath his woes.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #XXI