1. When a shadow falleth
At the close of day
On the weary spirit,
Dark'ning all the way;
Like a golden sunbeam
Lighting up the west
Are the words of Jesus,
"Come to me and rest."
Blessed words he speaketh
To the heart opprest;
O hear him!
"Come, ye heavy laden,
Come to me, and I will give you rest."
2. Blessed words of Jesus,
Banishing our fears,
Shining like a rainbow
On our falling tears.
Full of joy and comfort
Full of peace so blest,
Are the words he speaketh,
"Come to me and rest. [Chorus]
3. "Come," in love he pleadeth,
"Come to me today,"
Waiting not a moment
Gladly we obey.
Satisfied while leaning
On his gentle breast;
Praising him for saying,
"Come to me and rest." [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #202