1 What'er events abide,
Thy wisdom times them all:
Then, LORD, Thy servant safely hide
from those that seek His fall.
2 The brightness of Thy face
to me, O LORD, disclose;
And, as Thy mercies still increase,
preserve me from my foes.
3 Me from dishonor save,
who still have called on Thee;
Let that, and silence in the grave,
the sinner's portion be.
4 Do Thou their tongues restrain,
whose breath in lies is spent;
Who false reports, with proud disdain,
against the righteous vent.
5 How great Thy mercies are
to such as fear Thy Name,
Which You, for those that trust Thy care,
do to the world proclaim!
6 Thou keep'st them in Thy sight,
from proud oppressors free;
From tongues that do in strife delight
they are preserved by Thee.
7 I said, in hasty flight,
"I'm banished from Thine eyes?"
Yet still Thou kept'st me in Thy sight
and heard'st my earnest cries.
8 O all ye saints, the LORD
with eager love pursue;
Who to the just will help afford,
and give the proud their due.
9 Ye that on God rely,
courageously proceed:
For He will still your hearts supply
with strength in time of need.
Source: Psalms of Grace #31b