1 What wilt thou have me to do my Lord?
What wilt thou have me to do?
I bring to thy service the feet that slide,
The hands unskilled and the heart untried,
Yet fain would that heart be true, dear Lord,
O fain would that heart be true.
2 What wilt thou have me to do my Lord?
What wilt thou have me to do?
I toil in thy service, but only glean
The grapes that others have left unseen;
So precious, so passing few, dear Lord,
More precious that they are few.
3 Blessed our toil in this shadow land,
Blest, with the goal in view,
Of a glad new life with its sweet joy springs,
Where thrills the air with the questionings;
What wilt thou have me to do, dear Lord,
What more can thy servants do.
Source: Joyful Songs: a choice collection of new Sunday School music #113