1. What wilt thou have me to do, dear Lord?
I'm waiting on bended knee;
Listening now for thy precious word,
I long to be used of thee.
Take me, dear dear,
Teach me thy word.
Humbly I pray, take me to-day
Take me, dear Lord, to-day.
2. Where wilt thou have me to go, dear Lord?
Some errand of love make known,
Which will to sorrowing hearts afford
Sweet peace from thy heavn'ly throne. [Chorus]
3. What wilt thou have me to say, dear Lord
As onward thro' life I go?
Deep in my heart precious truth's record
Which thou wouldst have others know. [Chorus]
4. What wilt thou have me to be, dear Lord?
My life and my all are thine.
Bind me to thee with love's golden cord,
Around me thine arms entwine. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #98