1 What still small voice is that I hear,
Which rings upon each sinner’s ear,
Which tells of love so full and free?
‘Tis God’s own voice—it speaks to thee.
God is calling thee, calling thee, calling thee,
God is calling thee, calling, calling thee.
2 It tells of rich unmingled grace,
Which doth sins full extent embrace;
It tells that thou may’st saved be,
‘Tis God’s own voice—it speaks to thee. [Refrain]
3 It tells, you, weary, anxious one,
Of him who did for sin atone—
Of Christ upon the rugged tree,
‘Tis God’s own voice—it speaks to thee. [Refrain]
4 It tells the Savior’s love, who came
To bring the lost one home again,
Who shed his blood, the sinner’s plea,
‘Tis God’s own voice—it speaks to thee. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.3 #85