1 What Seraph of celestial birth
To vie with Israel's God shall dare?
Or who among the gods of earth,
With our Almighty Lord compare?
2 With rev'rence and religious dread
His saints should to his temple press;
His fear through all their hearts should spread,
Who his Almighty Name confess.
3 Lord God of armies, who can boast
Of strength or pow'r like thine renoun'd;
Of such a num'rous faithful host,
As that which does thy throne surround?
4 Thou dost the lawless sea controul,
And change the prospect of the deep;
Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll;
Thou mak'st the rolling billows sleep.
5 In thee the sov'reign right remains
Of earth and heav'n; thee, Lord, alone
The world, and all that it contains,
Their Maker and Preserver own.
6 Thy arm is mighty, strong thy hand,
Yet, Lord, thou dost with justice reign;
Possess'd of absolute command,
Thou truth and mercy dost maintain.
Source: A Selection of Psalms with occasional hymns (Charleston hymnal) #P.XXIII