1 What have I done to show my love
For him who died on Calvary?
His blood my ransom price has paid,
And I am saved by grace so free.
He died for me, he died for me,
That cruel death on Calvary!
What have I done for God's dear son,
Who died for me, who died for me?
2 Tho' rich, yet for my sake made poor,
A man of sorrows he became;
While all his wealth of grace and strength
By simply asking I may claim. [Chorus]
3 What has God done to show his love?
No greater love could ever be;
For Jesus died to save my soul,
while I was yet an enemy. [Chorus]
4 What have I sacrificed for him
Who sacrificed so much for me?
O Lord, can I take all thy gifts,
And still give nothing up for thee? [Chorus]
5 All that I have, all that I am,
I owe to Jesus - Crucified!
What have I done to show my love
For that dear Man who died for me? [Chorus]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 2: for use in meetings for christian worship or work #155