1 What hath the world to equal this,
The solid peace,the heavenly bliss
The joy immortal, life divine,
The love of Jesus, ever mine;
Greater joys I'm born to know,
From terrestrial
To celestial,
When I up to Jesus go.
2 When I shall leave this house of clay,
The glorious angels shall convey
Upon their golden wings shall I
Be wafted far above the sky,
There behold him free from harms;
Beauty vernal
Spring eternal,
In my lovely Jesu's arms.
3 There in sweet silent rapture wait,
Till the saints' number is complete,
Till the last trump of God shall sound,
Break up the graves and tear the ground;
Then descending with the Lamb,
Every spirit
Shall inherit
Bodies of eternal frame.
Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of Christians, 1803