1 What awful darkness shrouds all the earth!
Hearts sealed in hardness, grope on in death.
Oh, hear the thunder,
Sinner in slumber;
Will you determine to break the spell,
And not abandon your soul to hell?
2 Oh, dreadful picture! Oh, peril’s day!
Sleep, darker, deeper, holds deadly sway. [Refrain]
3 Hell’s breathing stupor, now over all:
Who’ll break the subtle infernal pall? [Refrain]
4 Oh, world of sinners—if not too late—
While hope yet glimmers, flee from your fate. [Refrain]
5 Awake, O sleeper, God help you hear;
Death coils around you, your doom is near. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)