1. What a joyful word is this we hear!
Filling ev'ry heart with hope and cheer.
For the grace which doth salvation bring
Hath appeared: Let men rejoice and sing.
Let us be glad and joyfully Sing!
Grace hath appeared, grace hath appeared salvation to bring,
Wonderful grace redeeming the race,
Wonderful grace, wonderful grace.
2. Grace that teaches us to do the right
Daily leading in the blessed light
Is revealed to save from sinful strife,
Thus to bring us to eternal life. [Chorus]
3. Oh how precious is this wondrous grace!
Here we see God's reconciling face;
Here we learn to look with joyful eye
For the Saviour's coming by and by. [Chorus]
4. 'Tis a "blessed hope" this grace doth bring
Hope of seeing soon our Lord and King;
May we be prepared when he shall come,
To go with him to our glorious home. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #104