1 We’re nearing the city of which we are told;
Its walls are of jasper, its streets are of gold;
Tho’ lonely and dreary, and boist’rous the way,
We’ll anchor in heaven, with Jesus to stay.
We’re bound for that city where cometh no night,
Oh, glorious city of endless delight.
2 ‘Mid trails and dangers and anguish of soul,
Tho’ dark be the night and the wild billows roll,
I see a light gleaming across the dark wave,
And Jesus stands waiting the lost ones to save. [Chorus]
3 We’re crossing the river, we’re out on its tide;
The city appears on the fair Eden side;
There angels are waiting to welcome us home,
To swell the sweet chorus around the white throne. [Chorus]
4 O sinner, now drifting far out on the tide
Of sin’s bitter anguish, in death to abide,
Turn back to the Saviour—for you He has died;
Come anchor your soul in the Lamb crucified. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #164