1 We’re living by faith in the Savior alone,
Who suffered on Calv’ry for sin to atone;
He’s fully redeemed us from Satan’s domain,
By raising us up to this glorious plane.
Oh, that stream so deep and wide,
Flowing from the Savior’s side;
Oh, that stream so deep and wide,
’Tis flowing from the Savior’s side.
2 Oh, precious salvation, so pure and divine!
’Tis flowing from heaven, its glory is mine;
Yes, beaming in splendor and flashing so bright,
It sparkles within us, a heavenly light. [Refrain]
3 Transparent as crystal, a river of love
Flows down from the throne of the city above;
A rainbow o’er circles of glittering hue,
While under the sprays of its heavenly dew. [Refrain]
4 Like tides of the ocean its waves over roll,
O’erflowing with rapture and bliss in the soul,
Reflecting Christ’s image in us as we call,
While trusting, obeying our all and in all. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)