1 We’ll win the world for the Master,
We’ll follow His lead against ev’ry foe,
And in His strength moving forward,
The strongholds of sin overthrow;
Out in the highways and byways we
Will seek the lost ones and bring them in;
Nor will we cease in our labor till
We’ve conquered the fields of sin.
Onward! that the world may know, we will tell the story;
Onward! ev’rywhere we go,
Giving unto Him the glory;
Onward! till our battle cry echoes thro’ the sky;
We’ll faithful prove
To the King of love
Who lives, rules and reigns on high.
2 We’ll win the world for the Master,
With songs of triumphant praise to our King;
To souls distressed and aweary
The blessing of peace we will bring;
O’er all the earth He shall rule and reign!
His word is given, it cannot fail!
To Him all nations shall bend the knee,
And peace on the earth prevail. [Refrain]
3 We’ll win the world for the Master,
And trusting His hand to guide all the way,
We’ll never yield to disaster,
But forward by night and by day;
Tho’ rough and dark seems the path before,
And threat’ning clouds would our hopes destroy,
A rainbow shines thro’ the drifting storm
And fills ev’ry soul with joy. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #66