1 Wearied in the strife of sin,
Foes without and fears within;
Listen, look, I hear, I see,
Jesus, crucified for me.
2 Listen, how He pleads “Forgive”:
Look, my soul, on Him and live;
All my guilt on Jesus laid,
Perfect reconcilement made.
3 Counting all the world but loss,
Let me clasp the blood-stain’d cross;
What can sinners crave beside
Jesus only, crucified?
4 Resting in His love, forgiven,
Thoughts will come of home and heaven;
Listen, look, I hear, I see!
Jesus crowned, and crowned for me.
5 Listen to His mighty prayer;
He would have me with Him there,
With the saints before His throne,
Clothed in glory like His own.
6 Look, He reigns for ever now!
Many crowns are on His brow;
By His Father’s side adored—
Priest and King, and God and Lord.
7 Yea, Amen; Thy will be done—
All my prayers are breathed in one;
Jesus, let me rest in Thee,
Crucified and crowned for me.
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #26