1 We worship thee, O Crucified!
What glories didst thou lay aside;
What depth of human grief and sin
Didst thou consent to languish in,
That through atoning blood outpoured
Our broken peace might be restored!
2 We mourn that e’er our hearts should be
One with a world that loves not thee;
That with the crowd we passed thee by
And saw, but did not feel, thee die.
Not till we knew our guilt and shame
Did we esteem the Saviour’s name.
3 Though with our shame we shunned the light,
Thou didst not leave us in the night;
We were not left in sin to stray
Unsought, unloved, from thee away;
For from thy cross irradiates
A power that saves and recreates.
4 O loved above all earthly love,
To thee our hearts adoring move;
Thy boundless mercies yearn to save
And in thy blood sin’s wounds to lave.
O speed the day when men shall see
That human hopes are all in thee.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #135