1 We will follow in His footsteps,
To the front with steady pace,
Ever cheerful in His service,
Pressing on to win the race.
Looking daily unto Jesus,
To the charge He’s given true,
With a willing heart and faithful,
To fight the battle through.
Then follow, follow, His word the sword we wield,
Then follow, follow, with faith our trusty shield;
We’re marching, marching, with songs of glad acclaim,
With true endeavor, loyal ever,
Glory to His name.
2 Where the Captain’s voice is calling,
On the side of right we stand,
In our places may He find us,
Waiting His divine command.
On the road of honor marching,
Going forth with one accord.
With the gospel banner waving,
E’er battling for the Lord. [Chorus]
3 We will follow in His footsteps,
Tho’ His face we cannot see,
Till we enter life eternal,
More than conquerors to be,
Shout the watchword, “Christ forever!”
Send it ringing down the line.
He is with us, God Almighty,
The King of kings divine. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #68