1. We must wait in this shadowy land
Till the day shall dawn;
We must march with the brave pilgrim band,
Till the day shall dawn;
Till the day shall dawn,
Till the day shall dawn,
Till morning light shall scatter night,
And the day-star arise in our hearts.
2. We must live full of kindness and love,
Till the day shall dawn;
We must trust in our Father above,
Till the day shall dawn;
Till the day shall dawn,
Till the day shall dawn,
Till far and near the morn appear,
And the day-star arise in our hearts.
3. We must comfort the hearts that are sad,
Till the day shall dawn;
We must help them to trust and be glad,
Till the day shall dawn;
Till the day shall dawn,
Till the day shall dawn,
Till sorrow’s night shall fade in light,
And the day-star arise in our hearts.
4. We must watch for our Jesus to come,
Till the day shall dawn;
We must wait for the sweet rest of home,
Till the day shall dawn;
Till the day shall dawn,
Till the day shall dawn,
Till God’s dear Son shall say, Well done,
And the day-star arise in our hearts.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #6754