1 We lift our voices,
In a strain of gladness;
And the songs upon our tongues
Banish all our sadness,
Banish all our sadness.
2 Children and parents,
Cordially invited,
Praise the Lord, with one accord,
Voices all united,
Voices all united.
3 Small streams that murmur,
Round each humble dwelling,
While they flow so still and slow,
Keep the tide-waves swelling.
4 Thus we together,
With our small oblations,
All unite, to send the light
To the darken'd nations.
5 If we with patience
Run the race before us,
Soon our King will bid us sing
In the heavenly chorus.
6 Let us with meekness
Seek his face and favor,
And at last, when life is past,
Meet the blessed Saviour.
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #92a