1 We give thanks unto thee, O God;
We give thanks, and thy name
As being near at hand,
Thy wonders to proclaim.
2 When I receive th' assembly shall,
Judge uprightly I will
3 The earth melts and its dwellers all:
I stay its pillars still. Selah.
4 I said unto the foolish ones
Deal not so foolishly:
Also unto the wicked ones,
Lift not the horn on high;
5 Lift ye not up your horn on high;
With stifned neck speak not:
6 For from east, west, or wilderness,
Promotion is not got.
7 But God is judge: one he sets up,
Another down doth tread.
8 For in the Lord's hand is a cup,
The wine also is red:
Of mixture full, he pours there out;
But yet the wicked all
That are on earth, the dregs thereof
Wring out, and drink them shall.
9 But as concerning me, always
I will declare abroad:
And I will sing a psalm of praise
To him that's Jacob's God.
10 Of men ungodly all the horns
Also cut off will I;
But of the righteous ones the horns
Shall be exalted high.
Source: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English metre: for the use, edification, and comfort of the saints...especially in New-England (25th ed) #PLXXV