1 We come with hearts of gladness,
Our Father and our King!
With brows undimmed by sadness,
Thy wondrous love to sing;
To crave thy Spirit's blessing
Upon this hallowed hour,
With grateful trust confessing
Thy wisdom and thy power.
2 Oh! fill our hearts, kind Father,
With love from out thine own;
While in thy courts we gather,
As followers of thy Son!
And on our plans and labor,
The lambs of Christ to bless,
O God! look down with favor,
And crown them with success.
3 Oh! wilt thou speed the dawning
Of that eternal day,
When earth and heav'n combining,
Shall own thy righteous sway:
When every tongue shall bless thee,
And every heart shall own
That Kingdom, Power and Glory,
Belong to thee alone!
Source: Calvary Songs #15