1 We are volunteers, and with song and cheers
We are marching on to a better land;
Loyal to the King, we His praises sing,
As we follow His royal command.
As we march along we are singing,
Happy volunteers, loyal volunteers;
And our song of gladness is ringing—
Hill and valley reecho the strain.
See the banner bright o’er us flying,
Happy volunteers, loyal volunteers;
In the strength of our Leader relying,
A glorious vict’ry we’ll gain.
2 We have heard the call ringing forth to all,
And with hearts aflame to the field we go;
With our banners bright waving in the light,
We in triumph shall vanquish the foe. [Refrain]
3 Warfare soon will cease, and eternal peace
Crown the faithful who to the end endure;
Everlasting life, free from care and strife,
Thro’ our Leader to us is secure. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #22