1. We are soldiers of the great and heavenly King,
And we gladly now to him our service bring;
We are clad in armor bright,
We are fighting for the right;
'Neath the banner of the cross we proudly sing.
Marching, marching, 'neath the banner of Christ our King,
Onward, onward let the praises of Jesus ring;
We will fight for the right,
Ev'ry enemy put to flight:
Soon from heaven the King shall come bringing the crowns so bright.
2. We are marching 'gainst a strong and crafty foe,
One who daily seeks the right to overthrow;
But the vict'ry shall be ours
O'er the dark and evil pow'rs,
So with strong and valiant hearts we onward go. [Chorus]
3. We are pressing on to fight King Alcohol,
We are sure his evil kingdom soon shall fall;
Lift the crimson banner high,
Shout aloud the battle cry,
Till strong drink shall cease forever to enthrall. [Chorus]
4. We're arrayed against Tobacco's hateful reign,
Which is daily robbing souls of strength and brain;
We will fight the filthy weed,
Pushing on 'till we succeed
And we break this evil and enslaving chain. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #110