1 We are out and out for Jesus,
We are all and all for God.
We have learned to love and serve Him,
Thro’ His blessed Holy Word.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
We’re redeem’d thro’ Jesus blood;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
We are out and out for God.
2 We are out and out for Jesus,
Make His praise with music ring.
We have plunged beneath the fountain;
To the world no more we’ll cling. [Chorus]
3 We are out and out for Jesus,
Yes we know beyond a doubt.
He hath washed our sins away,
And we have a right to shout. [Chorus]
4 We are out and out for Jesus,
He doth save, O blessed word!
All who come to Him believing
Will be out and out for God. [Chorus]
Source: Gold Tried in the Fire: suitable for church, Sunday school, revival meetings, missionary and rescue work #149