1 We are marching ‘neath the banner of our King,
Marching on, marching on,
And His praises now forever we will sing,
Marching on, marching on.
We are marching onward to our home on high,
Home of many mansions far beyond the sky,
Where the tears are wiped forever fromeach eye,
Marching on, marching on.
2 We will tell the story of the Saviour’s love,
Marching on, marching on,
How He left His glorious throne in heav’n above,
Marching on, marching on. [Refrain]
3 Oh it was the Saviour died upon the tree,
Marching on, marching on,
Yes He gave His life to save both you and me,
Marching on, marching on. [Refrain]
4 There we’ll sing of His redeeming love so free,
Marching on, marching on,
Through the ceaseless ages of eternity,
Marching on, marching on. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 2 #153