1 We are come with joy and gladness,
Once again, our God and King,
To recall thy loving kindness,
And our festal hymns to sing.
With a fresh and strong devotion,
Every heart do thou inspire,
That each spark of love may brighten
Into flame of holy fire.
Onward go to serve the Master!
Every gift and talent bring,
That with zeal and skill we may do his will;
We are servants of the King.
2 We are come, a band of singers;
There are weary ones and sad,
And we bring our cheerful music
And our songs to make them glad.
There is hope and joy eternal
For the world’s despondent throng;
We are come, a band of singers,
To proclaim the news in song. [Refrain]
3 We are come, a band of workers;
We would bring both heart and brain
To the service of the Saviour,
That his will in all may reign.
Then forever and forever
Will the right have conquered wrong,
And the world shall change its sighing,
Into glad, triumphant song. [Refrain]
Source: Worship and Song. (Rev. ed.) #O46