1 We all have a Father in heaven,
And he loveth his children here;
And we know, 'mid our daily temptations,
He is present to help and cheer.
We praise him, we praise him,
And sweet is the tribute we bring;
We praise him, we praise him,
Our Father in heaven,
Whose glory we love to sing.
2 We know that his eye is upon us,
As we journey along our way;
And we share in the manifold blessings
That he giveth with every day. [Chorus]
3 We know that he hears our petitions,
As we seek him 'mid toil and care;
We are sure that his grace will sustain us,
For he knoweth how frail we are. [Chorus]
4 His name, that is holy and precious,
Do we honor in heart and home;
And by him we have all been adopted
To inherit the life to come. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #129