1 Watchers called to work for Jesus, gird your souls and haste away,
Stand up bravely in the front of every fight,
Bear the lamp of His salvation, let it shine with cloudless ray,
Till the gloomy skies reflect its golden light.
Faithful service ever doing, not till work is done,
Till life’s victory is won,
Looking forward, still pursuing,
Shout for joy!
His mighty kingdom soon shall come.
2 With His heav’nly shield around you enter gladly duty’s door,
If you forward press you shall not walk alone,
Heirs of Christ be not discouraged, lo! for you the cross He bore,
God is still upon His everlasting throne. [Refrain]
3 Watchers called to work for Jesus, sing with gladness on your way,
Just beyond, the gates of Zion open stand,
Where the smile of God forever glorifies the endless day,
In Jerusalem, our blessed fatherland. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #38