1 Wash'd in the blood, by the Spirit sealed,
Christ in His word is to me revealed;
Glory to God! in my soul doth shine
God, my salvation, and His life is mine!
Washed in the blood, washed in the blood!
Washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood!
Washed in the blood, washed in the blood!
Sealed in the Spirit true, and washed in the blood!
2 Once I was blind, but behold I see;
God from above now hath shined into me;
Cleansed from all sin, in His word I behold
Wealth which can never be compared to gold. [Refrain]
3 O that the world might the Saviour see,
That blessed Saviour who saved poor me!
O how the lost ones would come shouting home,
Never, never, never, nevermore to roam! [Refrain]
4 Wash'd in the blood! Sinner, come today;
Jesus so freely the debt will pay;
Come to His arms, to His arms of grace,
Come, now in meekness, seek the Saviour’s face. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #62