I. Was it for sin, for mortal guilt,
The Saviour gave his vital blood?
For sin amazing anguish felt,
The wrath of an offended God?
II. When bleeding, groaning, on the tree,
He breath'd such agonizing cries,
When nature suffer'd, Lord, with thee,
And darkness cloath'd the mourning skies.
III. And shall I harbour in my breast
(Tremble my soul at such a deed)
This dreadful foe, this fatal guest?
'Twas sin that made my Saviour bleed.
IV. 'Tis sin that would my ruin prove,
And sink me down to endless woe;
But O forbid it, heav'nly love,
And save me from the cursed foe.
V. Ye sins, ye cruel sins, depart,
Your tyrant sway I cannot bear;
My rightful sov'reign claims my heart,
Jesus alone shall govern here.
VI. Come, glorious conqu'ror, gracious Lord,
Thy all-prevailing pow'r employ;
O come, with thy resistless word,
These hateful enemies destroy.
VII. Guilty and weak to thee I fly,
My Lord, my Saviour, and my friend,
On thy almighty arm rely,
On thy atoning blood depend.
VIII. My all of hope is fix'd on thee,
For thou alone hast pow'r divine;
O come, and conquer, Lord, for me,
And all the glory shall be thine.
Source: Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, Vol. 1 #182