Handbells Guitar C Instrument Piano Congregation Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $25.00 A unique collection of 25 settings designed for congregations that have services where simple, folk-like accompaniments are needed. Each tune has a piano accompaniment, guitar chord, optional handbell… | |
Piano File download from Lorenz Publishing $26.95 With moods ranging from introspective reflection to jubilant affirmation, these hymns settings all receive the special masterful touch of pianist/composer John Purifoy. Obviously created for use in a… | |
Handbells Moderately Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $5.50 Level 2 • Three early-American shaped-note hymn tunes are combined to form a satisfying offering to use anytime during the church year. Liberal use of special techniques adds to the musical momentum… | |
Handbells Medium Difficulty Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $10.95 Here's a dynamic collection designed to enhance congregational singing while at the same time allowing ringers to take a uniquely active role in the worship experience. Each of the eight familiar hymn… | |
Moderately Difficult Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $25.00 Organ Settings from "The Sacred Harp"
From the 1860 edition of "The Sacred Harp," this remarkable composer/arranger has fashioned a delightful volume of familiar and not-so-familiar early American… | |
Piano Medium Difficulty Sheet Music Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $17.95 This is an exciting collection of great American hymns written in authentic jazz piano style from stride to modern by Chuck Marohnic. The arrangements honor the integrity of the original worship setti… | |
SATB Easter Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $2.95 Propelled by clean, bold rhythms and supported by the accompaniment's columns of octaves, two melodies, Ode To Joy and Holy Manna, call us to arise from Christ's table in strength to serve his people. | |
Organ Moderately Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $22.00 Intended as a follow up to Worship the King (MSM-10-575) and the method book King of Instruments (MSM-90-29). | |
SATB Keyboard Pentecost Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $2.25 Duration 3:15Voicing:SATB | |
Handbells Percussion Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $39.95 REPRODUCIBLE This is the 6th collection in Martha Lynn Thompson's best-selling Ring with 6 series. Expanding the 12-bell concept, these pieces use 14-17 bells, all are hymn tune or carol settings, an… |