1 Walking with Jesus, oh, fellowship sweet!
Walking with Him hour by hour;
Talking with Him, as I work for His cause,
Trusting in His mighty power.
Walking and talking with Jesus, my friend,
Walking and talking with Him;
Oh what rapture divine, oh, what happiness mine,
As I walk and talk with my friend.
2 Walking with Jesus helps burdens grow light,
Making the trials grow dim;
Telling Him all of my joy and my cares,
Casting it all upon Him. [Refrain]
3 Walking with Jesus while doing His will,
Wearing the yoke of His love;
Learning the patience that comes from His strength,
Gaining the grace from above. [Refrain]
4 Walking with Jesus each day of my life,
Walking with Jesus, my friend;
Talking with Jesus as we journey on,
Till all life’s journeys shall end. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #23