1. Wake, ye saints, the song of triumph,
Let the hallelujahs ring
To the Lord on high ascended,
Christ our Brother, Christ our King:
Entered now within the veil,
Jesus! our Forerunner, hail!
2. Parted in the act of blessing,
To His foll'wers still he cleaves;
Though the highest Heav'n receives him,
Still he loves the Earth he leaves.
Seated on his Father's throne,
Still he calls mankind his own.
3. Well He knew it was expedient,
For our sake, that He should go;
That the promise of the Father
Might be shed on us below.
Now, though widowed and bereft,
Not as orphans are we left.
4. By the Spirit of adoption,
Abba, Father, taught us to say,
Waiting till our Head shall call us,
Up the Heav'n-illumined way;
Blessed Lord, in brightest view,
Ever we look up to you.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #170